Officially happy 2024

Hi Everyone!

Happy 2024! I know, January is not done which means that 2024 is officially here. Back in my home country, February is the month when the Carnival starts and all the people go out on the streets to celebrate. Being in Canada now officially for 6 years I can say that I am still not 100% a Canadian moose yet, but I have my foot here and my mind is a combination of the graphic influences of the brazilian landscape and the ice cold Canada.

I can say that in Toronto I found community in the few roles I had as a graphic designer and filmmaker. I appreciate my journey so far, and I can say that I haven’t fully adapted to the cold but I love how hungry for opportunities the arts community is here. I am looking to expand my skills and maybe go back to the film industry still this year, with new projects and landscapes. I don’t like setting hardcore objectives for the year, so with my mind open and my heart always half-full of dreams, I am embarking on a new adventure looking for a position either in Graphic design, art landscape or film production.

Thinking back on my journey, I also wanted to introduce my background as a dancer (I’ve practiced ballet, tap dance, and jazz-funk dance for the longest time in my teenage years), and at the end of the big pandemic wave in 2020, I’ve decided to reconnect myself with this side of me. With that combo and the journey as a graphic designer and art assistant, I rediscovered the many facets that I could have, and this unlocked a constant hunger in me for more creative challenges. And much like an hourglass, I feel that that my human experience is always moving up and down, but never 100% filled (as this would make the hourglass break).

If you want to keep updated with my creative endeavours, make sure to follow my Instagram page at

‘I never wanted to be a painter…I wanted to be a tap-dancer.’ Andy Warhol, 1966

This is mostly an update regarding my Design career starting this year. I am back to commissions and freelance work starting in March 29th, 2023.

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